Andaze Features

We are a company that makes full use of global IT technology across borders. The speed of our development and the highest level of quality are unparalleled, and we have brought numerous innovations.

Providing start-up development speed with corporate rules.

After graduating from university, our CEO, Ms. Arai, studied management information systems at a foreign automobile manufacturer. Later, she moved to India to study IT solutions in earnest. However, the mainstream there was software development for major companies, which valued “following a plan rather than the content of the product. Arai had doubts about this and returned to Japan. She started Andaze with the thought of providing speedy development to Japanese companies. This is because, while many companies want to go digitalize, they say they don’t know how to ask for help. Even if they find a outsourcing company, the budget and delivery date may be far from what they expected, or they may only focus on multipurpose business improvement effects. I think the reason why such discrepancies occur is that many IT projects place the highest priority on the plans and budgets that Ms. Arai witnessed in India. Andaze has released numerous sophisticated software products in a short period of time. By adopting innovative development frameworks and preparing the latest software development environment, we select clients who trust us and projects that we can lead with initiative. In addition, we support our clients' “digital shift” within the scope of social rules, morals, and compliance at the level of large corporations.

  • Find gaps that could be digitized and make suggestions.
  • Provide prototypes more quickly than specifications.
  • The impact of the product is immensely more important than budget or delivery time.
  • Develop new products rather than expanding existing systems
  • Make corrections and improvements based on learning and discovery.

We cherish those five solutions, IT projects never have to be exactly as planned. It’s how many fixes have been repeated while adapting to the situation and feedback. We believe that the shortcut to success is to build prototypes and improvements in a sustainable environment, and to move closer to potential needs.

Crisis management skills trusted by listed companies and government agencies

The organization’s information security has been certified to ISO 27001, the international standard for ISMS (Information Security Management System). By maintaining and improving the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information in a balanced manner, we have earned the trust of our clients.
In addition, our creating “mechanism “ for providing high quality services complies with ISO 9001, which is known for its strict standards. Our DevOps approach, which allows us to incorporate the opinions of the operations team in the development stage, ensures high quality software development.

Proposing projects trusted by management positions

Our ability to propose projects that are approved at important meetings of the organization, such as the board of directors of listed companies, is our characteristic. We will give you ideas that will enable your engineers to perform at a higher level while staying close to your potential needs. Our engineers have a pioneering spirit and are good at digging deep into their favorite fields, and have the know-how to respond to one question with 10 pieces of information. We will make proposals that will satisfy even those in management positions.

Leveraging the Strengths of a Microsoft Gold Partner

Andaze has been recognized by Microsoft Gold Competency as a company that maintains superior technical capabilities and solutions in specific areas. It proves that we are a partner company that can provide the highest level of technical capabilities and the highest quality solutions. With the Gold Competency, our technicians are eligible for a wide variety of Microsoft benefits. With the Gold competency, our technicians have access to a wide range of Microsoft benefits, including a variety of technical support and the ability to use the latest technology to solve our clients' problems.

Benefits for Gold Partner Certified Companies

If you are certified as a Gold Partner company, you will be able to use benefits worth about 35 million yen, including sales support and development assistance.

  • Solution Proposal Support
  • Software development support, technical support
  • License to use Microsoft products
  • Access to Microsoft’s internal technical information
  • Attendance at various skill development training programs
  • Client Introduction

Providing technology from English-speaking countries that are leading the way in IT in Japanese

English-speaking countries are home to some of the world’s most talented engineers, including Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple, and Microsoft, all of which originated in the United States. It is also said that people whose mother tongue is English are blessed with an environment where they can learn IT knowledge, such as programming languages written in English, from an early age, making it easier for them to grow up to be active on the front lines. We provide IT know-how from overseas, where new technologies are being created every day, in Japanese. We are creating services that incorporate the latest global technologies that have not yet penetrated Japan.

Multinational teams bring out the strengths of the right people in the right places

Andaze is made up of multinational members from Japan, India and other countries. By working on system development with an international team, each of us is able to specialize in our own field. For example, technical development is one of the jobs where Indians can maximize their strengths, and communication with clients is the domain of Myanmarese and Japanese who have a culture of bowing. Vietnamese are less biased and can handle multiple tasks relatively well. In this way, by utilizing the strengths of each individual, the right person can play an active role in the right place, or in other words, “optimization of skills” can be achieved.

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Reduce risks and costs by decentralizing work locations and data

Our employees are dispersed between Japan and India for work. This is because software development can be done remotely and data can be sent in an instant, so there is no need to work in the same space. Also, each of us can work while living in our home country, and living in an area where the cost of living is lower than in Japan has the advantage of keeping costs down.
In addition, data is distributed between western and eastern Japan, Singapore, and the east coast of the United States. It reduces the concentration of load on the servers and increases the ability of the system to operate stably.

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How do the unique features of Andaze bring value to employees? On the next page, we will explain the “benefits of working at Andaze”.

Benefits of Working at Andaze

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Recruitment type and recruitment guidelines

Andaze is currently looking for people for the following positions. We are looking forward to receiving applications from people who are looking for a new challenge, want to be exposed to the latest technology, or want to be involved in a new business.

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Application-only form

If you are interested in applying, please fill out the application form here.To apply, you will need to submit your resume and work history.The results of the document screening will be announced by the person in charge.



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